
Returns the initial state of a reducer.

// JavaScript

function getInitialState(reducer)
// TypeScript

function getInitialState<S>(reducer: Reducer<S>): S


getInitialState asks the passed reducer for its initial state by calling it with an undefined state and a dummy action, just as a Redux store would.

This helper is mainly intended for tests, where it can help improve readabilty. For example, when making assertions about a reducer's initial state, getInitialState(reducer) is more expressive than something like reducer(undefined, { type: '' }).


Basic usage:

import { getInitialState } from 'redux-preboiled'

const reducer = (state = 0, action) =>
  action.type === 'increment' ? state + 1 : state

// => 0

Usage in Jest:

import { getInitialState } from 'redux-preboiled'

const reducer = (state = 0, action) =>
  action.type === 'increment' ? state + 1 : state

test('initial state is 0', () => {

See Also

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